Market How market research helps in reducing investment risk? by admin 2020-10-23 by admin 2020-10-23 It is the truth that market research will help in minimizing your investment risks by… 000000
Market Online marketing- how it affects your business? by admin 2020-09-21 by admin 2020-09-21 Online marketing has affected your business, and it becomes more and more popular around the… 000000
Market How marketing plays a vital role in the business? by admin 2020-08-19 by admin 2020-08-19 It is well known that marketing plays a vital role in business. It is one… 000000
E Voting All About Politics And E-Voting Procedures That You Should Know! by admin 2020-08-09 by admin 2020-08-09 Politics plays a big role in all of our lives and while some people may… 000000
MarketNews GHJUVANNI BIANCUCCI ELECTED PRESIDENT OF AIR CORSICA: “THE COMPANY NEEDS TO ADAPT TO MARKET RULES” by admin 2020-08-01 by admin 2020-08-01 The president of the Femu a Corsica group at the Corsican Assembly, Ghjuvanni Biancucci, was… 000000
NewsPublic NO TO CLASS CLOSINGS!! by admin 2020-08-01 by admin 2020-08-01 Femu a Corsica would like to reiterate its disapproval of the closure of classes and… 000010
NewsWorld DUMANDA IN BOCCA, POSTA DA GHJUVANNI BIANCUCCI: FOLLOW-UP OF MEETINGS WITH MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNMENT by admin 2020-08-01 by admin 2020-08-01 Assemblea di Corsica: Quistione a bocca – 11/03/2016 (FR) Mr President, together with the President… 100000
ActivistNewsWorld MUZIONE DI VANINA BORROMEI: “LIMITATION OF COMPENSATION FOR ECOLOGICAL DAMAGE RESULTING FROM AN INFRINGEMENT AUTHORISED IN THE BIODIVERSITY BILL”. by admin 2020-08-01 by admin 2020-08-01 CONSIDERING the draft law on Biodiversity including the notion of Ecological Prejudice, studied on March… 000000
CommunalNews “GIUSTIFICAZIONE”: RESPONSE OF PRESIDENTS SIMEONI, TALAMONI, BIANCUCCI AND TOMASI TO MR ROVERE by admin 2020-08-01 by admin 2020-08-01 Here is the joint communiqué of the Presidents of the Executive Council, the Assembly of… 000000
News COMMUNIQUE ON THE EXPULSION OF GI ACTIVISTS FROM AJACCIO AND BASTIA PREFECTURES by admin 2020-08-01 by admin 2020-08-01 Femu a Corsica denounces the violent evacuation of the young GI militants and gives them… 000000